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Twice 21

Posted by on September 9, 2012

Every birthday is special since I can measure where I was the previous year and where I currently am. It’s just amazing the things I’ve done and looking forward to doing since the last birthday. This time around, I scanned the paper and saw that one of my favorite Brazil bands was playing at a free venue. No need to plan an elaborate party…just go to where one would occur!

I took advantage of having Labor Day off to make my own birthday cake, white chocolate and pomegranate cheesecake.  I was anxious to make it again since I had some improvements I wanted to try out the second time around. So, I’d eagerly look in on the cheesecake chilling in the freezer, waiting to be devoured on Friday’s celebration.

I only heard from one friend who was meeting me for dinner and dancing, but several others showed up and we started with dessert first. Half of my friends got up to forro. Nonetheless, everyone agreed that the band was very good even if they didn’t care to dance. I was amazed that none of them had ever heard of the band prior to this. In a way, I’m proud that I introduced them to a new band in this vast “live music capital of the world” sea.

After all was eaten, danced, and talked, I returned home to watch a movie. A little earlier than I’d cared to get up on a Saturday morning, I went to the capoeira studio to meet the guy who was dropping off the chairs for Sunday’s Austin Writers Roulette. I then returned home to take a mid-morning nap and get some other things done before returning to the capoeira studio to rehearse for our big show later Saturday night.

My capoeira teacher had an ambitious plan for the Brazil Independence Day celebration that took place at a downtown club. The event organizer had given us a 30-minute slot and the graduado students choreographed two dances, my capoeira teacher put together a capoeira choreography and then we ended the show, playing benguela, regional then solos. It was the most ambitious, impressive show we’d put together so far. I was so happy to be part of that community at large. The other members of the line up included five bands and the samba school.

A few capoeiristas complimented my playing ability, teasing me about how I avoided roda on Thursdays, but happily played during presentations. All I can say is that I’m attempting to avoid injury as much as possible. At my age, nothing heals like it used to!

Once again, I stayed up a little too late and had to wake up a bit earlier than I cared to, but I definitely needed to go to yoga this morning after missing it on Friday. So, rounding out my birthday weekend, I’m hosting the roulette and all I really want to do is take a nap.  Yet, the show must go on. I’ve got a wonderful line up for the “Beauty in Other Cultures” event and I trust that this show is going to be the best of three that we’ve had so far. As a matter of fact, this show has the most diversity among the participating artists.

Thank goodness school’s on Monday…I need the rest.

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