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Posted by on May 19, 2024

I’d never heard of the acronym F.I.R.E. (Financially Independent, Retire Early) before, but I’d embraced the concept years ago. Perhaps “embraced” isn’t accurate. After all, I’ve not achieved financial independence yet.

As far as “early” is concerned, that’s a relative term. The current retirement age is 65 (or is it 67?). My mother could have retired at 55, which seems young now that I’m 53. Then again, 53 definitely feels like a “I’m-too-old-for-this-shit” age. If my circumstances changed overnight, affording me to retire, it would seem right on time rather than early.

Regardless, I have never needed any catchy acronym to fuel my desire to get off the paid-work gerbil wheel and focus on doing what makes life worth living, which gets me up in the morning or causes me to forget to eat or go to bed.

I try to be optimistic when I dream and plan for the future. Yet, things beyond my control, such as inflation anchor me to the world of the gainfully employed.

The next best strategy is guard my “free” time as much as possible for soul-enriching activities as exercising, illustrating, writing, reading, podcasting, and digital filmmaking. As I recently told Mom, “When I’m on my deathbed, I won’t regret not polishing the furniture more.”


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