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Newest Professional Endeavor

Posted by on August 18, 2024

As if I needed ONE more thing added to my already bountiful, jam-packed schedule, I started another professional pursuit: obtaining my pharmacy technician license. Part of the appeal, besides career advancement, is that my company will pay for it. That got my attention.

Also, I’m a lifelong nerd. I absolutely love reading, especially in pursuit of learning a new trick. First, a coworker emailed many study materials. Then, my supervisor emailed more study materials along with information about company compensation for employees who get their pharmacy tech license.

One favor I did myself was to delay registering for the exam. I’ve been juggling several creative projects for a few years. I don’t want to take away too much time from them since they truly make life worth living.

Instead, I plan to do work around my creative schedule. By not having a firm deadline, I feel relaxed as I read through 10 pages of the study guide during the week and 20 pages on the weekends and holidays.

Since I’m not doing a serious drill of the material, I read through the material rather quickly, with the exception of the calculations section. That part was more challenging than I originally thought it would be, but I figured it out for the most part.

Once I finish the read-through of the study guide, I’ll check out the other study materials, then take a few practice tests online. I’m not even sure if such a thing exists, but I’ll research that when the time comes.

Hopefully, the testing site will be in town. Regardless, I’m already looking forward to the day off. PTO is it’s own reward.

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