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New Beginnings

Posted by on July 24, 2011

This week I celebrated the beginning of two very different things: a new capoeira studio and a marriage.  The interesting thing is how both events gathered well-wishing people together, brought out all the smiles and daydreams about all the good times that are to come.

Of course with my luck, I’m going to be out of town the first week when the capoeira classes start at the new studio and I’m going to miss my friend’s wedding, but at least I was present for the first roda at the new studio and the “pre-wedding girl party” for my friend, which started off at Barton Springs pool and ended at her house .

Funny thing, I have hardly ever come to our Thursday rodas since I don’t actually enjoy playing capoeira, but I absolutely love training, which keeps me in shape. Just like I have no intentions of marrying, but I love helping my friends celebrate their special occasion.

At both events, I took pictures.  As a matter of fact, I took 150 pictures at the roda since it was challenging to capture a good shot of the capoeiristas playing.  Whereas during my friend’s pre-wedding party, I got some good candid and posed shots once I selected the correct flash setting.

As I suspected when I was 35, I’m becoming increasingly sentimental as I age.  I feel so fortunate to have my life peppered with so many reasons to celebrate.  My father said during his 70th birthday celebration a few years ago that the key to living a good life was laughing a lot and being happy. Like father, like daughter.

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