For a change of pace, I limped to a downtown blues place that hosted a music competition. I arrived early enough to order a burger that was half the size of my head, but I was so hungry, I ate it all before thinking, “Hmm, I should have taken a picture of it!” Adding to my pre-show joy, the waitress. When I asked her for a sample of the two Malbecs they served, homegirl gave me a half of glass of both to sample. Not one to waste delicious wine, I passed both samples to a friend to try, then combined the two “samples” and ordered the better of the two later on. After eating, I propped up my ankle. When the waitress saw it, she brought over the caution sign so no one would bump into the chair. Talk about service!
The first band was a trio of guys. They were the only ones who did a sound check. By the time they came on, the bar was half full.
The second band was also a trio of guys. By this time, I noticed that most of the crowd was in the back where the tequila-tasting had snared them. I generally drink tequila for medicinal purposes, so I gave it a pass. Besides, who needs tequila when there’s Malbec?
I was the first woman to dash into the women’s bathroom after the second band. That’s where I heard another woman yell, “Make it quick!” I came out and met the lead singer of the third band. I didn’t bother to ask her if she was from Austin. I just gave her my card and told her about the Austin Writers Roulette.
For some reason, the fourth band inspired everyone at my table, including me, to give them nicknames: Danny DeVito on harmonica, The traveling gnome on lead vocals and guitar, Gene Simmons on drums and Javier Bardem on bass.
Finally, the fifth band came on. They were all brothers. Their parents sat at the adjacent table. All those guys looked just like their dad, who claimed he couldn’t sing nor play an instrument. I’d guessed who was the oldest, middle and youngest child and got it completely wrong!
I’m so glad I wasn’t one of the judges. I would’ve had a difficult time deciding which three bands advanced to the finals. Fortunately, I got to kick back, sip wine, and enjoy the blues. As happy as that event made me, can I truthfully say that I enjoyed “the blues”?