During the week, I hustle throughout the school day, juggling so many tasks that when I hit the weekend and only do 20 things during the weekend, I actually feel as if I’ve had a mini-vacation.
My weekend consisted of swimming, samba, flash mob practice, capoeira performance, salsa, painting, yoga, cooking for the week and a writers’ critique meeting–and those were just the big-ticket items I checked off the weekend to-do list. Some people don’t do that much during the week and yet, it’s my typical weekend.
I believe in making the most of my life. I want to spend every moment pursuing happiness. I enjoy being a busybody since I truly rejuvenate through my activities. The past three weeks have been the most intense at school and I’m attempting to turn things around so I can even out my stress level. At the same time, I feel that the more connections I make with people here, the closer I’ll get to the next big thing in my life.
One thing about my adult life since graduating from college, I’ve not stayed in one place beyond three years. I purposely chose Austin since it looked a creative crucible where I could be happy. The only thing I overlooked was how challenging teaching in its public school system was. I’m not going to allow the hostile school system to drive me outta town, but I’ve not yet discovered my next career.
I’d love to transition into writing, but I don’t want to close off any other creative avenues. Today, after I read the first chapter of my second novel, The Adventures of Infinity and Negativa, one of my critique partners suggested that I start a foundation for female mathematicians. What a lighting bolt! I’d never thought of starting my own foundation, but it gives me another realm of possibilities to explore. If I’m driven out of the classroom because administrators would rather have obedient robots rather than creative teachers, then I may have to start my own creative outlet in addition to writing.
I’ll have to sleep on that and see what my subconcious dreams about the situation.