An artist friend described painting #20 as “full and chaotic.” She also said it was her favorite of the series so far. That one review makes the enormous amount of time spent last weekend on prepping this canvas totally worth it. I was happy it had turned out so decently since I’ve invested a lot of time on other canvases only to concede due to my lack of skills. I believe this canvas demonstrates more than the previous ones how a lack of skill doesn’t mean lack of talent. I’m a talented storyteller. I still need to work on my painting skills.
In this canvas, I painted two Fibonacci sequences. The first sequence was made from fruit, animals and a palm leaves. The second sequence was in form of a spiral. Negativa subconsciously recreated this numerical pattern. Infinity picks up on it first since Negativa was so involved with gathering materials to make the spiral. Underneath both spirals was a color-coded fractal design, peeping in between the figures.
The twins aren’t in this canvas, thanks to making the stencils too big. I previously worried how I’d get the perspective correct between the layout of the floral and fauna spiral and the twins. So, without having the women, this canvas was still plenty challenging, but looks far more polished in the end. Hopefully, this will be the only painting where the twins aren’t present. According to painting #19, I’ve become quite good at painting their faces.
Now I’m down to the final four with the wall of 20 complete. I’m amazed how well I endured the cold, windy rain on a small dry-covered patch of my balcony to finish this canvas. I’ll be mostly bundling up for cold weather from here on out.