Christmas vacation has already started for me since we’ve been on half days since last Thursday. For the first time in the three years that I’ve been teaching at my current high school, all four of the exam days are “early release,” which means my professional stress level has gone dramatically down. Even with the students turning in the last of their make up work, I have time during the two-hour final to start planning for the upcoming semester, but at least it’s a leisurely, pleasurable experience to map it all out.
Of course, nature abhors a vaccum; so I do have things scheduled for all of the half days. Thursday, I had my dentist appt. Friday, my academy had its culminating secret santa pot luck, where I discovered that my secret santa and I pulled each other’s names. And my “award-winning” cornbread went deliciously well with a coworker’s chili. Afterwards, I went to a Christmas bazaar and bought all the gifts I needed for my family.
Monday morning, I’m joining my science colleagues at IHOP for our semester breakfast since none of us have third period exams. Third period is when we’re scheduled to have our meetings. I must admit, this is my absolute favorite one. Even though we get around to shop talk, at least we’re eating! Actually, I usually bring my lunch to the meetings since I don’t care to wolf down my lunch in the allotted 38 minutes that I’m scheduled.
And this Tuesday, my favorite day since it will be the last day of finals, I’m having lunch at one of my favorite sushi places to talk with another writer. Wednesday, I think we’re obligated to report to school to sign for our grades and attendance sheets, but I’ve already planned to go to yoga and the chiropractor afterwards. What a dream!
Then, the real vacation begins, five days of being with my family…all nine of us under one roof! For just one week. That’s about the proper amount of time before I start sprouting more gray hair. Then it’s back to Austin to ring in the New Year.
Funny how this blog post still reads as if I’m plotting out lesson plans. Some things don’t take a holiday.