The first time I hiked this area with my Meetup group, we had a pretty relaxed time although the temperature was much hotter. This time around, some people actually bailed for fear of rain. The forecast was “cloudy,” which I pointed out, but not “rain.” Nonetheless, those of us who still met enjoyed the temporary cold front that brought us 68-degree weather and cool breezes. I was the only one in the group who knew it was Earth Day. Spending time in nature is a fantastic way to destress and celebrate the planet.
We crisscrossed those water crossings three times. The first two times because we ended up at the end of the trail in someone’s back yard. The third because, despite three GPSs, we managed to get lost. Each time we crossed, I made sure of my footing, especially my permanently injured left foot, which slid uncontrollably one time. At least I didn’t fall, but it hurt.
At one point, our organizer suggested we take the “urban” trail, which was code for walking along the streets in the residential and commercial areas. Along the urban trail, we finally saw some wildlife. The woman who spotted the deer was a little too loud and animated when she saw them. I whipped out my camera just to capture them fleeing.
We ended up walking five miles instead of the original three miles we’d set out to do. For the first time ever, I had a copper sleeve on my left knee and ankle. Those things made the post hike recovery much more enjoyable, especially when three of us ended up at one of my favorite barbecue restaurants. The two guys wolfed down all of their food, but I had ordered enough to take some home. I don’t usually go out to eat nor take home any leftovers; so I made the visit count and got three more meals out of it. Delicious brisket tacos!