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Self Portraits

Posted by on July 8, 2018

I’ve never liked drawing. Too great of a learning curve between the effort and the desired result. On several separate occasions, I’ve picked up a pad and paper to draw only to lose steam and quietly put all my drawing materials away. Yet, I keep returning to it since my creativity bends toward visual art as well as words.

Last month, I attended an art opening where the featured artist painted in a style that I wished I could achieve: vividly colorful with a rich narrative conveyed in each painting. I spoke with her for a luxurious amount of time about her technique during which another woman joined in and suggested that I read a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

Since I never formally studied art, I didn’t know this classic book. One of the first exercises was to do a “baseline” self portrait; so I could compare it once I learned some techniques.

I’d love to nominate my voluminous face as the 2018 Halloween mask of the year. About the only thing I got right was my insomnia/sleep apnea bags under my eyes!

After several exercises, including toning my paper before drawing, knowing the facial placement of features, and drawing the “negative” spaces, this mug shot looks a little more realistic although I think the next time, I’ll draw myself from a picture.

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