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Velma Mae’s 78th Birthday Celebration Powerpoint

Posted by on November 4, 2018

For my mother’s 78th birthday, one of my sister’s thought it would be a great idea to have a surprise party.  She chose an off year to throw mom off the scent. My one and only role, other than showing up was to create a powerpoint. Of course there was a technology fail and I couldn’t get the laptop and projector to communicate!

Since the file was too big, I couldn’t even email it to people even though I did show it to a much smaller audience at my parents’ house after the surprise party by holding up the laptop. Fortunately, I could embed it into this blog. It may take up to 2 minutes to load because it includes audio files, but once it does, click “enable editing,” then view it in full screen mode to play it.


Velma’s 78th Birthday Celebration

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