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Living My Dream

Posted by on April 22, 2012

So I first got the heads up that I needed to exit the teaching profession the first year I taught in Austin, TX.  That conclusion came to a shock to me since I’d never thought that I would ever need to exit the classroom until I retired.

I’d taken so much time researching where I wanted to live in the States after 8 years teaching abroad and was broadsided by the plantation-style management of public schools here in Texas. Although I attempt to be as creative as I can muster while working within an educational system that I disagree with, I didn’t become a teacher 16 years ago to fight battles with a network of people who desire to profit, literally, from the brutal, systematic standardized testing of students.

As I explored both my interests and the job market, three things became apparent to me: 1) I wanted to remain in Austin; 2) I had no desire to be in another classroom setting that was subjected to profiting off student standardized test scores; 3) I no longer wanted any asshole in my professional life who I’d refer to as a boss.

Now, nearly three years after coming to those conclusions, I’m still living in Austin, I’m still teaching in a public school setting and I’ve stepped up my game to become self-employed. In pursuit of completing my transition, I’m attending a 2-day workshop to help me flesh out some things that I’m perhaps overlooking.

So far, the 30 other participants and I have introduced ourselves one by one, including where we are now in life and where we want to be. I’ve helped a few of the participants who are also writers realize some other directions that they can go in as well as suggest capoeira to a couple of people who want to get back into shape. As a matter of fact, I’m taking a CD of capoeira music to today’s session so one of my fellow capoeiristas and I can demo a friendly game to everyone.  I think just hearing the music will be intriguing.

Yet, I’ve not landed my a-ha! moment of how to improve my pursuit of happiness beyond what I’ve already put into motion. Hopefully, today will be as entertaining as yesterday with an unexpected insight into a new direction that I can explore.

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